Android 11 Samsung Keyboard Feature

 Android 11 is a very popular software that is available on almost all devices. This software was very stable and brought some very good features. The feature which I will be telling is also a great feature available on Samsung Keyboard.

What's The Feature?

This feature name is Text Shortcuts, this feature is similar to keyboard shortcuts on computers. We press some combination of keys to perform a shortcut like= Ctrl+ V to paste. Text shortcuts can help you to type faster and you can attach some important details related to some person, Like= you want to give your Bank Account Number to a person, majority of time people have saved their bank account number in Gallery or in Samsung notes so to become advance you can use this feature. I am listing some advantages:

1) Attaching emails id with names
2) Shop mobile numbers with names etc.

How To Enable This Feature in Android 11?

1) Open any Notes application on Android Smartphone. There you have to open your keyboard. Click on the icon at the bottom of your keyboard.

Samsung Keyboard Tips

2.) By clicking on the icon new options will appear, You now have to click on Settings Icon.

Samsung Keyboard Tips

3) When you will click on the icon, Samsung Keyboard Settings will appear. A bunch of new options will be there. There will be More Typing options under which  Text Shortcuts will be there.

Samsung Keyboard Tips

4) When you will click on the above section, options under text shortcuts will appear. Now you can add your Text Shortcut by clicking on the plus icon.

Samsung Keyboard Tips

5) By clicking on the plus icon you will see these options👇👇.

Samsung Keyboard Tips

6) In the shortcut phrase you will have to type the name through which the shortcut will work.
In expanded phrase information will be added when you type that shortcut. I am attaching a sample of how to do it and where it will appear.

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Unknown said…
Very informative information 👍 great work buddy 👏 keep it up