WhatsApp tips and tricks

 Today I will be discussing some good typing features which are available on Whatsapp. Many people use Whatsapp all over the world and don't know these features. 

The list of features is as follows:

  • To make a sentence bold
  • To make a sentence italic
  • To make a sentence strikethrough
  • To make a sentence monospace

1) To make sentence bold in Whatsapp

While you are sending some important messages, you can use this bold feature to highlight some important words in chat. Many people don't know about this and people will ask you. This can make you a pro-Whatsapp user. 

To use this feature just press this icon * in starting as well in the ending. This icon is also known as an asterisk. For example👇👇

WhatsApp tips and tricks

2) To make a sentence Italic

You can use this font feature to send something stylish to someone on WhatsApp. To use this feature put an underscore in starting as well as in the ending of your WhatsApp message. For example= _ I hope you will like my content_.

WhatsApp tips and tricks

3) To make a sentence Strikethrough

This is another text design available in the WhatsApp software. To use this feature just put a tilde in beginning as well in the ending of your message. For example=∼I hope you will like my content∼.

WhatsApp tips and tricks

4) To make a sentence Monospace

Monospace is also a very good font design and it is very unique. To send a message with monospace just place three backticks in beginning as well as in the ending of your WhatsApp message, this will activate this feature. For example= ``` I hope you will like my content```.

WhatsApp tips and tricks

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