Hi in this blog I listed all the steps of "how to unsend an email". All the steps which I will be listed here are on the Gmail platform. Everyone uses Gmail and the majority of times people send emails to the wrong person, to prevent this problem. People should use this Unsend feature.
Steps To Use Unsend Feature In Gmail ( Click on images for better quality)
Open your Gmail account. It is mandatory to have a Gmail account to use this feature
2. When you open your Gmail, click on the settings icon like this👇👇
3. When you open your settings, click on the All Settings Tab.
4. In the SeeAll Settings tab you will a lot of options. There you will see an option of Undo Send and its default time will be set to 5 seconds. You can increase this time to 30 seconds. If you set it to 30 seconds you have more time to undo an email.
5. When you send an email to someone you will see this feature like this 👇👇
6. When you press Undo your mail will not go to another person.