Microsoft Word Shortcuts

 Hi in this blog I will be discussing some important Microsoft Word Shortcuts which will help you in doing your work faster and easier. 

Here Is The List Of The Shortcuts :

1) To Make A Sentence Bold

There is a shortcut through which you can make your whole or a single sentence bold using only two keys which is  Ctrl + B. Make sure your sentence must be selected to perform this shortcut.

Microsoft Word Shortcuts

2) To Decrease the Size Of A Sentence

Many People click the size icon for reducing or increasing the text size but I have an alternative for you, Just press Ctrl + [  ( Left Bracket ) you will see the magic.

Microsoft Word Shortcuts

3) To Increase The Size Of  A Sentence

This shortcut is the opposite of the decrease in size of a sentence and it is a very easy shortcut, everyone must try this. To perform this shortcut you have to press Ctrl + ] ( Right Bracket).

Microsoft Word Shortcuts

4) To Make A Particular Sentence Italic 

This shortcut is very easy and can make a sentence italic without clicking any Italics button in Microsoft Word.

Microsoft Word Shortcuts

5) To Convert Whole Sentence Into Capital Letters

This shortcut converts the selected text into capital letters. To perform this shortcut press Ctrl + Shift + A.

Microsoft Word Shortcuts

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