In this blog, I will be telling you about some important shortcuts of computers which will help you in doing your work faster and easier.
1) Opening taskbar application without clicking mouse.
The taskbar is a bar that is at the bottom of your computer and where you can add as well as delete apps from it. The taskbar can also be modified. The shortcut for opening the taskbar application windows key + numbers on the keypad.
2) To temporary lock your PC without going into setting
This shortcut is very useful to lock your PC faster and those who want to take a rest after working for a long duration. This shortcut temporarily locks your computer. The shortcut is windows key + L.
3) To open emoji on your computer without using emoji application.
Emoji is very useful for people who want to chat with someone using their computers. It is a way of expressing feelings. The Shortcut for opening emoji is Windows Key + >